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Udobje bivanja na Zemlji.

Sabina je vzpostavila HumanRoadmap2050 leta 2019 kot skupnostno platformo, ki nas vodi k ponovnemu odkrivanju starodavne modrosti sodelovanja s seboj, z drugimi in z našim okoljem, prilagojeno današnjemu času.

Na voljo je obilna podpora, da se sprostimo TUKAJ-ZDAJ in sprejmemo sedanji trenutek v vsakdanjem življenju.

Sabina is the voice of HumanRoadmap 2050 and a facilitator of integrating cooperation into our everyday lives.

She holds a master's degree in communications and is a certified systemic facilitator and coach. Since 2017, she has been actively working with individuals and groups in these roles.




Sabina is a pragmatic and grounded individual with over 20 years of experience in both the private and public sectors.


In the past decade, she has combined her intellectual expertise in journalism, marketing, accounting, and project management with her profound intuitive communication abilities


What is intuitive counseling, and how does it differ from traditional counseling?

Intuitive counseling is a holistic approach that combines traditional counseling techniques with intuitive guidance. While traditional counseling focuses on conscious thoughts and emotions, intuitive counseling taps into your deeper, intuitive wisdom and spiritual insights to provide guidance and support.

How does the intuitive receive guidance or information?

The intuitive (channeler, medium ...) connects with various sources of information, such as the quantum field, ancestral wisdom, or other intuitive sources, to receive guidance. They act as a conduit for this information, which is then shared with you.

Is the guidance received based on spiritual, energetic, or other sources?

The guidance may come from a combination of spiritual, energetic, and intuitive sources, depending on what is most relevant. The intuitive (channeler, medium ...) can explain the source of the guidance in a case of interest.

How will the guidance provided benefit me practically in my life?

The guidance is aimed at providing "aha" moments, practical insights and recommendations that you can apply in your everyday life. It can help you make informed decisions, overcome challenges, and move forward with confidence.

Srečanja s Sabino so polna osvobajajoče modrosti. Pomaga vam videti, občutiti in razumeti nevidno iz perspektive, ki vas osvobodi. Tako se lahko ponovno povežete z zaupanjem, ravnovesjem in ljubeznijo v sebi. Nežen, a natančen pogled v višjo perspektivo, ki vas vodi do notranjega dojemanja, ki ga um ne more razumeti. Pravo darilo za notranje vodstvo in evolucijo.

Sangeet Joti, Španija

Sabina mi je pomagala razumeti in videti del sestavljanke, ki sem jo že imel v sebi. Bila je popolna prevajalka za vrsto sporočil, ki mi jih je vesolje pošiljalo skozi čas. Ko sem lahko slišal in razumel sporočila, je moja duša prevzela vodstvo k poslanstvu, ki mi ga je dodelil Vir. Zdaj razumem svoj resnični potencial in sem bližje temu, da vidim KDO SEM. Zdaj sem pripravljen doseči pravi namen tuzemskega življenja in razumel sem odgovornost za svojo prisotnost na Zemlji. Hvala.

Juan YC, Kitajska

The part about "me honoring my ancestors and their struggle" still brings a strong reaction. In a way, this is one of the reasons why I started my business, to bring my personal history to light, talk about my family and what they have taken part in. I very much thank you for guiding me through this path.

Patrick Troisgros, Finland

Sabina has been an invaluable guiding light. Through her compassion, patience and ability to communicate at a higher level, she has helped me get a better understanding of my issues and make sense of difficult life incidents. In our very first session I was able to open up to her and release some of my bottled emotions after many months. There’s something very reassuring and comforting about her energy. I’m so glad to have found her.

Nitin Dani, India

thank you

Sabina offered me a beautiful and warming moment of openness to self love, tolerance and acceptance through messages from the Original Source that revealed and made me believe in my (sometimes forgotten) potential. I felt guided and empowered with love and support towards the emerging future ahead of me. I am so grateful for the experience.

Vania Magalhães, Portugal

I`m grateful for being part of the group and for the way Sabina facilitates it. It`s unique, different, like being on a beam of light. I like the way the group works, the connectedness, the program, and the created safe space. And I am grateful to Sabina for helping me making a step forward during the dark night of my soul.

Cordelia, Slovenia

In a moment of deep transformation and alignment with my higher source, through the sessions I could better understand and integrate the biological and emotional changes that it means to embody your spirit and soul into human existence. Thank you for supporting us to cross immense bridges in these crazy times. 

C. Dakhil Carcovich, Spain

The session with Sabina was a true gift and helped me a lot to better understand and lovingly accept myself and my current situation. I experienced Sabina as a very empathic and sensitive person and felt very safe, comfortable and truly seen during the whole session. Thank you very much Sabina for your beautiful and powerful work.

Jan Hoffknecht, Germany

Smo že onkraj Enega.
Bivajoč v trenutku lahko živimo Enost.

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