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Povezanost z Zemljo

V Zemlji so zapisane vse modrosti naravnih ciklov, na voljo, da se jih spomnimo in se sprostimo v svojih telesih – podaljških Zemlje same.


Zemlja nas v vsakem danem trenutku obdaja z živim življenjskim okoljem. Naravni cikli življenja na tem planetu so zakodirani v našem okolju, na voljo, da se spomnimo, kaj je naravno za naše človeško telo - podaljšek Zemlje same. Življenje z nogami na tleh (prizemljenost) in stik z lokalnim okoljem hrani naše telo z živo hrano in vodo, povezuje nas z modrostjo lokalne skupnosti in z naravo samo.


Vsakodnevna prizemljenost je na voljo iz vseh vidikov našega življenja: lokalno pridelana hrana, lokalno ustvarjena oblačila in orodja, preživljanje časa v bližnji naravi, povezovanje s prijatelji in lokalno skupnostjo. S stikom z lokalnim okoljem imamo več možnosti slediti ciklu letnih časov, da se lahko spočijemo, ko obstaja naravni cikel mirovanja, in živimo bolj živahno, ko obstaja naravni cikel za razcvet. Zemlja hrani vsa navodila za lahkotno življenje in nam jih prišepetava. Poslušajmo s srcem.


Collective Shift in the Energy of Money

On Earth, money serves as the primary currency representing the energy of exchange. Historically, money has been widely regarded as a material object, and many people have had a predominantly materialistic perception of money. In the first three dimensions, the focus was on the material world, where some individuals still focus on a material understanding of the energy of money. However, this perception is now evolving.

Energetically, various timelines unfold in parallel. Some people continue to live in the material timeline, placing significance on conventional symbols of success such as expensive cars and external status. In contrast, a different timeline is lived by individuals who balanced their material pursuits with their spiritual path.

The essence of life on Earth lies in maintaining a balance between the material and the spiritual realms, bridging the intellect that drives material aspects and the heart that guides spiritual pursuits. The transformation of the banking system mirrors the changes occurring in other systems, albeit with a unique focus on the energy of money.

Traditionally, money has primarily functioned in material forms, such as physical currency, real estate, cars, gold, works of art etc. The concept of money has also evolved over time, encompassing elements like credit, loans, interest, and advances. Money has taken on a multifaceted role that was not part of its original purpose. Initially, money was designed for straightforward exchange in return for goods or services, maintaining a fundamental energy balance between receiving and giving.

Throughout the progression of human civilization within the first three dimensions, money acquired additional roles, leading to its transformation into an end in itself. However, this shift is now undergoing purification within the dimension of time. Money is returning to its fundamental purpose, but this purpose is being adapted to the behavior and complexities of the current era. The contemporary energy of money is more refined and sophisticated than in its original form.


Collectively, this new energy is already gaining support, which will result in substantial changes within systems related to money. The evolved energy of money no longer endorses the accumulation of wealth at the expense of others but instead emphasizes balance. Even savings, for instance, will diminish more rapidly than before unless they are designated for specific future purposes. This energy shift signifies a move away from a survival instinct-driven need for security.

The revitalized energy of money is aligned with the original intention of balancing the giving and receiving of resources, which opposes manipulation, unjust acquisition, abuse, deception, and survival tactics that harm individuals, animals, plants, and the planet.

Henceforth, the energy of money is more fluid. Stepping out of a survival-driven mentality engenders a state of trust. A cellular reset is underway, altering the foundational structure of the survival instinct on a collective scale. The potency of the collective survival instinct is so pronounced that it compels individuals to transcend their personal survival patterns, facilitating a transition to a state of relaxation and appreciation for the abundant offerings of planet Earth.

Previously, the energy of money directed your efforts outward, demanding you to be actively productive to earn money. However, the distribution of money was often unequal, and many worked considerably more than they were fairly compensated for their labor. These disparities were evident both at the systems level and on a personal scale. The new energy of money emphasizes pure enjoyment in a new sense of the term. When you require money, you can create it with the power of your mind without succumbing to workaholism, excessive exhaustion, or burnout.



The Dual Nature of Survival Patterns

Survival patterns manifest on two levels:


(1) as a genetic record or the survival pattern code of the species, which helps individuals recognize how to protect themselves during encounters with genuine threats—such as facing a charging bull on a nature expedition or enduring extreme cold weather, requiring adequate clothing and a source of warmth.

(2) Concurrently, throughout the course of personal and collective traumas, as well as the amplification of mental work, a perceived (psychological) survival pattern has developed. In this psychological pattern, individuals do not face direct physical threats, yet they perceive certain situations as physically menacing. Such perception triggers the same instinctual response in the body as it would in a real physically perilous situation. For instance, the act of paying bills or shopping might elicit this response though a person is not in a real danger.

In Western civilization, the prevalence of perceived survival instincts is substantial. As part of a comprehensive transformation, the purification of these instincts is underway. This transformation also affects the notion of security: distinguishing between genuine threats and perceived threats allows individuals to reconnect with the original concept of security.

The fundamental principle is acknowledging that you are essentially safe, with rare exceptions—especially in regions unaffected by war. Therefore, the primary practice involves residing in the present moment while maintaining an awareness of your safety and abundance in life. This shift from perceived threat to reassurance through a return to the present moment is essential. By adopting this practice, you effectively reprogram your brain and body to embrace a foundation of unwavering trust.

Isolation, exacerbated by modern lifestyle choices, individualism, and superficial online connections through social networks, amplifies feelings of disconnection from others. This heightened sense of isolation intensifies the perceived fear of survival. You inhabit a bountiful planet, residing within a community where you can rely on your fellow human beings. When you are an integral part of a community, it becomes easier to experience a profound sense of trust.



Gentle System Transformation

In the grand scheme of things, you're not just an individual situated at the bottom of various systems; rather, you are an active participant within these systems, connected across a vast network with fellow individuals. These systems possess a certain intelligence, recognizing the need for change. Consequently, they prefer gradual, soft changes that originate from within, as opposed to the abrupt collapses that result from rigidity and an inability to adapt to life's dynamic shifts.

Embracing this approach also means less work in the long run. By fostering transformation from within, you can reshape existing systems, thereby avoiding the total collapse that might necessitate starting from scratch. While such a collapse remains a possibility for select systems, many can be reimagined and reconstructed without a complete overhaul.

Feminine energy yields significant power when it comes to instigating changes within these systems. It embodies qualities of cooperation, nurturing, empathy, and warmth, and has a profoundly embracing nature. When these gentle energies are introduced into systems—including the financial system—such as when you contemplate money, exchange, wealth, or classical security, they work to soften the system from within. This approach proves instrumental in reshaping the energy of money while gradually dismantling deeply ingrained survival patterns.

Povezanost z Zemljo


Povezanost z Zemljo

V Zemlji so zapisane vse modrosti naravnih ciklov, na voljo, da se jih spomnimo in se sprostimo v svojih telesih – podaljških Zemlje same.


Zemlja nas v vsakem danem trenutku obdaja z živim življenjskim okoljem. Naravni cikli življenja na tem planetu so zakodirani v našem okolju, na voljo, da se spomnimo, kaj je naravno za naše človeško telo - podaljšek Zemlje same. Življenje z nogami na tleh (prizemljenost) in stik z lokalnim okoljem hrani naše telo z živo hrano in vodo, povezuje nas z modrostjo lokalne skupnosti in z naravo samo.


Vsakodnevna prizemljenost je na voljo iz vseh vidikov našega življenja: lokalno pridelana hrana, lokalno ustvarjena oblačila in orodja, preživljanje časa v bližnji naravi, povezovanje s prijatelji in lokalno skupnostjo. S stikom z lokalnim okoljem imamo več možnosti slediti ciklu letnih časov, da se lahko spočijemo, ko obstaja naravni cikel mirovanja, in živimo bolj živahno, ko obstaja naravni cikel za razcvet. Zemlja hrani vsa navodila za lahkotno življenje in nam jih prišepetava. Poslušajmo s srcem.




Osrediščenje omogoča našemu telesu sprostitev, kar odmeva v lahkotnosti naših misli, besed in dejanj. 


Lahkotnost je naravno stanje našega telesa. Zakodirana je v naše bistvo in v njej se lahko kadarkoli okopamo, tudi ko opravljamo povsem vsakdanje stvari. Ko se zavihamo navznoter, v naše telo, ko se zavedamo svojih gibov, ko začutimo okolico skozi kožo, ušesa, nos, ko začutimo okus v ustih - ta fokus nas vrača v dani trenutek. Pri tem nam niti ni treba odrivati misli, lahko jih pustimo, da postanejo naše obiskovalke in jih telo sprejme v svoji naravni danosti. 

Osrediščenje krepi našo notranjo naravnanost tudi v odnosu do zunanjega sveta. Trenutek za trenutkom prerašča v minuto za minuto, uro za uro, dan za dnem. Svet se zunaj lahko vrti na najvišjih obratih, mi pa v sebi ostajamo mirni in stabilni, in naš fokus se iz trenutka v trenutek krepi v celovito osrediščenost.



Človeška ranljivost je skozi prostor-čas dobila mnogo plasti. Vsaka rana je dodala plast za kot zaščito na srčico energije ranljivosti.​ Počasi smo pozabili na primarni okus lastne ranljivosti - in čas je, da se spomnimo.


Rane nas spodbudijo, da se odzovemo iz našega ranjenega jaza, iz zakrčenosti, strahu, jeze, iz naše bolečine. Ranljivost nas po drugi strani spodbuja, da ukrepamo iz lastnega subtilnega jaza, z odprtim bitjem, iz lepote zaupanja. 


Vsi smo bili v življenju kdaj prizadeti, in prav tako skozi prostor in čas kot neuničljiva energija. Do neke mere smo vsi poškodovani zaradi vseh ran in brazgotin, ki jih imamo. Končno je prišel čas, ko je na voljo kolektivna podpora, da se spomnimo naše globoko zakopane ranljivosti in zacelimo svoje rane. 


Kot človeška bitja si tako lahko končno damo priložnost, da delujemo, namesto da nenehno reagiramo. Vredno je. 




Koncepti so bili ustvarjeni okoli čiste energije, kot čebulni listi okoli srca čebule.


V središču vsakega koncepta je čista energija. Prvi, ki je to energijo poimenoval, je ujel vibracijo energije v besedo (na primer LJUBEZEN). Ko jo je prenesel drugim, so ji drugi dodali svoje občutke, razumevanje in izkušnje. Tako kot čebula, je beseda skozi čas in uporabo postala koncept s kopico plasti. 


Trenutno odprto polje spominjanja primarnih energij nam omogoča, da se potopimo v izvorno energijo besed. S tem obudimo prvotno energijo in odluščimo dodane plasti, ter vstopamo v enotno vibracijsko polje v najčistejšem energijskem pomenu. Na ta način transformiramo skupno informacijsko polje, da se samodejno čisti preobloženosti informacij, in s tem tudi sebi omogočimo jasnejšo in lahkotnejšo komunikacijo.



Zavest drevesa

6. korona valu  bodo drevesa postala naši modri učitelji komunikacije, prizemljenosti in ukoreninjenja.

Modrost dreves je v njihovi umirjeni tišini (stillness). Ne glede na vreme leta in leta stojijo navidezno pri miru. Niso pa zgolj opazovalci, temveč ustvarjajo, oskrbujejo in tudi komunicirajo skozi čudovit podzemni svet.

Ljudje se učimo modrosti dreves s prizemljevanjem, ki se bo med 6. korona valom pospešila. Ponovna vzpostavitev močnega koreninskega sistema nam bo omogočala stabilnost in komunikacijo s planetom Zemljo in drug z drugim na drugačni ravni kot doslej. Zaradi osredotočenosti na intelektualni potencial smo v prvih treh dimenzijah ljudje komunicirali večinoma prek svoje krošnje (zgornji del telesa), s čimer smo se počasi odrezali od modrost Gaje.


Energijsko čiščenje korenin z dvigom naše zavesti in fizično z naravi prijaznim odnosom, z bosonogo hojo in življenjem v globokem spoštovanju do Zemlje, bo obnovilo izgubljeno ravnovesje med Zemljo in nami, Zemljani. Dolgoročno bo tak odnos prevladal kot splošno razširjen, normalen in naraven način življenja.


Moškost podpira ženskost

V kolektivnih sistemih je v preteklem obdobju tekmovalnosti prevladovala moška energija. Pred časom je kolektivna moška energija podprla vzpon kolektivne ženske energije, ki bo prevladovala v naslednjih desetletjih.

Tekmovalna kolektivna faza je bila koristna za doseganje trenutnega razvoja človeške družbe. Temeljila je na moški energiji, ki je prinesla intelekt, vizijo, osredotočenost, odločnost in produktivnost. Zaradi prekomerne uporabe moške energije so sistemi padli iz ravnovesja. Ženska energija empatije, ustvarjanja, prijaznosti, ljubezni in sodelovanja je tako dobila možnost kot nova kolektivna energija sodelovanja s polno podporo moške energije.


Potreben bo čas, da posamezniki in sistemi sprejmejo novo nastavitev, da se sodelovanje pokaže v njegovem polnem potencialu. Na začetku se bo sprožil velik odpor predvsem s strani izjemno tekmovalnih in osvajalskih posameznikov in sistemov. Toda na dolgi rok bo sprememba prinesla veliko daril in je vredna bolečin transformacije.

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