you have chosen to live in an incredible house - your body
it protects and connects you with the outside world
and even though you think
about it`s imperfections
it is perfect for you
for your role here
you chose the right house - the right body
for your mission
the time you chose to live in
is a challenge for your body
the stress
that goes through your cells
emerging from the fear
stimulated through the collective
is enormous
you might be aware of some
though as with the iceberg
the majority lays beneath
to realise the iceberg beneath the surface
is an opportunity
for your body
your consciousness
for your whole being
it seems like the covid-19 virus
stimulates redefinition of your approach to
your health
the health of your loved ones
and the health of the whole health system
but the undercurrent is even stronger
it brings up your survival instincts
survival patterns
which stimulate your most hidden tips of the iceberg
and as with every fear
the question rises
how to trust again
how to trust in your innate ability of your body
to protect you from all viruses
to stay healthy
and to evoke the self-healing powers when needed
the question of trust in decisions
of your loved ones
in gaining the power to trust their destinies
and interfere only when invited
the trust in the health system
which seems to offer you one sole solution: to vaccinate
forgetting to bring forward
the knowledge of building your own immune system from within
ensuring to eat well
sleep calmly
relax enough
indulge your body with enough movement according to it`s choice
surround yourself with joyous, light and happy people
it`s time to connect with yourself
with the powers of your own perfect body
of the protection and shelter it offers
finding the peace within
and spreading it joyously with your surroundings
it is the time to take seriously only
what feels right
in your whole body
not just what your mind thinks it`s right
it`s time to re-wire your cells
to re-connect your brain and your heart
so the intellect and intuition can work together
it`s time to search for, find and activate
your inner
it`s time to become
who you truly are
to shine
your life purpose
with small everyday gestures
through smile
it`s time to trust again
trust comes from the connection
with yourself
with your community
with the collective
with the planet Earth
you are human
a human being
and you are allowed to search for your
and spread it around
it`s time
Photo: Modern Ballet Dancers @Wix